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Ink Blots

A Self-Publishers Blog

Creative Differences

In the entertainment industry, a lot of ideas are thrown into play. Video games, movies, music and novels all start with a story, and you can't have a story without a collaboration of writers. This collab forms great and exciting ideas but also grows interpersonal disagreements between the group. These disagreements often result in downfall of the project. Is it beneficial to create alone than with a group and why collaborations fall apart in the first place?

The project is usually bought up for a couple of main reasons. One is popularity and the second is cost. If it's insanely popular and the cost is low enough for profitability, then it's often greenlit. Companies rarely take chances on long shots. That is, if the "message" becomes more important than the project. In many cases today companies ignored cost in favor of their message. Whatever the case, the potential for profit exists because of a very successful IP. Groups are form but the start of it usually begins with a few passionate individuals.

Could you have did this alone? Yes of course! But you would find yourself struggling. Without the companies funding and resources to get your project done and out to mainstream, your dream could be just that.

The problem with the collaboration is that there are too many chefs and not enough cooks. The person or company that paid the most money wants the final say. Instead of trusting the individual or creator with his talents they rely on the popularity of what's going on now. You see it all the time with your favorite musician. People end up leaving the project behind because their vision for the project becomes overwhelmed with popular choices companies see as mainstream. Most of the IP's now are broken due to mainstream's influence in some companies. Instead of going with what made the IP popular in the first place.

Two things remain constant with creativity. It is definitely a broad range to consider and there are many creative differences that come with the people that join your collaboration. Are you willing to sacrifice part of your vision for another one possibly better? Or will you try to pull it off alone using only your resources to get your true vision to the public?

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