Ink Blots
A webcomic Blog
Ink Blots
A Self-Publishers Blog
Unveiling the Enigmatic World of the Aliens in Superior Phalanx
Superior Phalanx - Capital City
Robyn Hood: A Disappointing Adaptation of a Beloved Legend
The Importance of Leaving Iconic Characters Alone
The End of the Writers Guild of America Strike: A Mixed Bag for Writers
Some thoughts on Mainstream entertainment
No Substance in comic book movies
The Allure of Barbie: How Barbie Fooled Consumers
Unveiling the Hidden Gems: Why is the General Public Less Aware of Indie Comics?
A failure to connect
Benefits of creating your own Hollywood
A Marvel Movie Review
A DC Movie Review
Possible Purging Tactics
A Heroes Journey
A Villains Journey
The Writer's Strike and How it will impact the Industry
Creative Differences
Can Creators take back The Comic Industry?
The Elephant in the Room