Ink Blots
A webcomic Blog
Ink Blots
A Self-Publishers Blog
Marvel Studios and the Missing Piece: The Erosion of Character Development
X-Men '97: A Fresh Spin on a Beloved Classic
The Unfulfilled Promise: How Inclusion and Diversity Have Dropped the Ball
Why Representation is Not Enough
The Intersection of ESG Investing, Corporate Wokeism, and Pop Culture Part 2
Jonathan Majors Found Guilty of Assault and Harassment in Domestic Dispute
Settling the Legacy: Disney and Marvel Reach Agreement with Steve Ditko Estate
The Flaw of Everyone Becoming Marvel's Mighty Thor
Taika Waititi: The Clueless Maestro
Unmasking the Distinct Identity of Miles Morales: Why He is Not Spider-Man
The Rise and Fall of The Marvels
The Return of Ironman and Black Widow: A Marvelous Comeback or a Desperate Hail Mary
The Pitfalls of Multiverse Storytelling
Who is destroying pop culture?
A Marvel Movie Review
How Comic Legacies are Destroyed
A Villains Journey
The Creative Dark Ages