Ink Blots
A webcomic Blog
Ink Blots
A Self-Publishers Blog
The Girl Boss Trainwreck: Exploring the Pitfalls of Female Empowerment in Storytelling
Why Representation is Not Enough
The World Between the Worlds: A Writer's Crutch or Creative Playground?
The Power of Storytelling: Letting the Story Speak for Itself
Taika Waititi: The Clueless Maestro
Unmasking the Distinct Identity of Miles Morales: Why He is Not Spider-Man
The Power of Strong Female Characters: Moving Beyond the Mary Sue Trope
The Rise and Fall of The Marvels
The Broken State of Modern Storytelling
The Allure of Barbie: How Barbie Fooled Consumers
Race Swapping in Comics
Indiana Jones 5: Analyzing the Potential Reasons for its Flop
My Adventures with Superman: A Disappointing Journey
The Pitfalls of Multiverse Storytelling
Who is destroying pop culture?
How Comic Legacies are Destroyed
A Villains Journey
The Age of Lazy Writers